
Here are some uses for HoneyCal

Many professions and group activities can be assisted by HoneyCal.  Classes, parties, one-on-one sessions, timetables are all things HoneyCal makes easy for your to organise.

Any time you have to make time based arrangments with one or more people, HoneyCal has event types to handle the different scenarios.

Below are some example uses to illustrate the versatility of HoneyCal.

Personal Trainers

Use the session events to schedule in your one-on-one sessions efficiently and the group events for group exercise classes you teach in the park or in other venue.

Exercise Teacher/Studio (eg Yoga, Pilates)

Set up events for all your classes in different locations.  Allow booking in advance, and maintain a waiting list so classes will always be as full as possible. 

Gym Group Exercise Manager

If you run the studios at a gym you will have lots of instructors who need to be in the right place at the right time every week and you will need to find replacement instructors quickly.  A timetable event can be set to repeat on a weekly pattern.  Instructors marked with the relevant skills can swap out individual sessions with each other if you allow them. The timetable updates so you know who is doing what and when without taking any action.

Why not try HoneyCal now?

Try it online, for free.  That might be the easiest way to see what it can do.

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How It Works 

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