
Guest Experience

Will my guest have to install an app?

No, your guests can use HoneyCal as a website. If you have sent event information to them from within HoneyCal they only need to click a link in the email to book.

Do my guest have to create an account on HoneyCal?

Short answer is "no".  In more detail:

HoneyCal uses one time passwords which are sent to an email address as part of the standard login process (ie you never have to create or remember a password).  This means that logging in the first time is no different to logging in at later times, it just "creates an account" automatically that first time.

If you have added someone's email address to the list of followers on one of your calendars they already "have an account" and if they book an event through an email sent from a HoneyCal event, they do not even need a one time passcode.

All emails sent to followers have an unsubscribe link to prevent receiving future emails.

Will my guests have to pay for HoneyCal?

No, HoneyCal is free for anyone booking onto an event.  Only event organisers have to pay for a plan, and then only if they are organising things involving more than a few people.

How will my guests find HoneyCal?

There are several easy ways for you to get your guests to see your events on HoneyCal:

  • You can copy a link from your HoneyCal calendar or one of the events and paste the link into an email or any messaging app or your website.

  • You can import a list of your guest email addresses into HoneyCal, so it can send emails with book and follow links to them.

  • If you are in front of a guest, there is a QR code on the event screen so they can scan it from your phone with their phone camera.

  • You could put a link to your HoneyCal calendar(s) on your website for people to click.

  • Use the social media sharing buttons on a calendar or event

Will my guest have to learn how to use HoneyCal?

There isn't really anything to learn.  If you send an event email from HoneyCal, they can book by clicking a link in the email.  If they look at an event page there is a "book" button, if they look at the calendar view in HoneyCal they can click an event in the listing to go to the details screen.  If they want to explore HoneyCal more then they can but it's not a requirement.


What does the term "calendar" mean in HoneyCal?

In HoneyCal as in other calendar apps, "calendar" means two things, it is both the grid of days on which events are displayed and a conceptual grouping of events.  The second meaning is the one of interest:  You might have one "calendar" to hold your business activities and another for personal activities.  Usually events on different "calendars" are displayed in different colours so you can easily see which calendar an event belongs to.

What does the term "follower" mean in HoneyCal?

Every calendar in HoneyCal has a list of followers, which is like a mailing list.  The owner of a calendar can send out emails to all or some the followers of that calendar.  Booking onto an event from a calendar automatically makes that person a follower.  As with other emailing lists, people can change their settings to unsubscribe completely or simply to turn off emails.

What does the term "booking" mean in HoneyCal?

Someone is "booked" on an event when they are added to the list of attendees for the event.  For group events such as classes, performances or parties this is a pretty normal use of the word "booked".  The term is also used when someone has been assigned a time slot on a rota timetable or a sessions event.

What does "event" mean in HoneyCal?

An event is an item which appears on a particular date and has a title and start and end times.  It can optionally specify a location, price and have rules governing how many people can book etc.  There are several different types of events with different rules to handle various things like classes, parties, timetables and so on.

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Web apps have the best of both worlds: websites and installed apps.

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