
Sending Messages

You can send messages to all or some of the people with bookings on an HoneyCal event.  You can choose recipients ad hoc but will have options to send emails to all attendees, the attendees you have just added to the list (possibly as invitees) or to people who still need to make payments.

Messages sent from an event will include links to the event and links to change the booking status.  If you are tracking payments, the message will include the outstanding balance which is handy when chasing payments.

Attendance Event

If you do not want people to be able to make their own bookings you can create a HoneyCal "Attendance Event" which is essentially the same as a group event but does not allow followers to make their own bookings.  You can add attendees when they arrive instead.

Each follower on your calendar will have a history of attendance and other activity that you can view  by going into their record. All event types are recorded not just "attendance" types.